Hero Wars Mobile Drop Rates.

Hero Wars is a mobile free-to-play game available on Google Play and Apple App Store. Although the game is free to play, some of the items might be purchased. Some in-game mechanics can be obtained in a random matter. This article is aimed to present the odds of game mechanics involving randomized drop.

Basic info
This article covers the following game mechanics:
Circle of summoning

Probabilities for first opening:

New titan drop chance is 50%.

Titan’s name Chance %
Sigurd 10.95%
Nova 10.95%
Mairi 10.95%
Moloch 10.95%
Vulcan 10.95%
Ignis 10.95%
Angus 10.95%
Sylva 10.95%
Avalon 10.95%
Hyperion 0.5%
Araji 0.5%
Eden 0.5%
Keros 0%
Amon 0%
Iyari 0%
Subsequent sphere opening:
There is a 50% chance one of the 3 titans with the most fragments the user has will be dropped. This chance being calculated as follows:
Titan’s name Amount of fragments Chance % Amount of fragments Chance % Amount of fragments Chance %
Sigurd 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Nova 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Mairi 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Moloch 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Vulcan 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Ignis 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Angus 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Sylva 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Avalon 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Keros 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Amon 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Iyari 5 37.74% 9 37.74% 30 24.53%
Hyperion 250 100%
Araji 250 100%
Eden 250 100%
Artifact chest
Chest level Chests to open to reach new level
1 0
2 10
3 50
4 200
5 500
6 1000
7 1750
8 3000
9 10000
10 30000

Drop rates (%) for different entities, depending on the chest level:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chaos Cores 4.76% 4.76% 5.03% 4.76% 4.89% 4.82% 4.82% 4.85% 4.85% 6.34%
Artifact Coins 10.20% 9.43% 10.58% 10.86% 8.77% 8.77% 7.46% 7.46% 7.46%
Artifact fragments 11.90% 10.20% 10.06% 10.58% 10.86% 9.64% 9.64% 9.32% 9.32% 7.83%
White resources 71.43% 61.22% 40.88% 26.45% 12.5% 12.71% 12.71% 13.05% 13.05% 13.05%
Green resources 11.90% 13.60% 18.86% 21.16% 24.25% 25.43% 25.43% 26.11% 26.11% 26.11%
Blue resources 15.72% 15.87% 15.76% 16.66% 16.66% 16.79% 16.79% 16.79%
Purple resources 10.58% 10.32% 10.96% 11.19% 11.19% 11.19% 11.19%
Orange resources 10.32% 10.96% 11.19% 11.19% 11.19% 11.19%

amount of chaos cores by chest level:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 core 100% 100% 75% 75% 75% 66.67% 66.67% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00%
2 cores 25% 25% 25% 16.67% 16.67% 20.00% 20.00% 13.64%
3 cores 16.67% 16.67% 17.50% 17.50% 15.91%
5 cores 12.50% 12.50% 11.36%
10 cores 9.09%

Artifact fragments amount by chest level:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 fragment 100% 100% 75% 75% 60% 66.67% 57.14% 50.00% 45.45% 45.45%
2 fragments 25% 25% 20% 16.67% 14.29% 20.00% 18.18% 18.18%
3 fragments 20% 16.67% 14.29% 17.50% 15.91% 15.91%
5 fragments 14.29% 12.50% 11.36% 11.36%
10 fragments 9.09% 9.09%

Chances to get specific artifact types:

Weapon Book Ring
42.86% 28.57% 28.57%

amount of artifact coins amount varies regardles of chest level:

90 pc 150 pc 450 pc
66.67% 26.67% 6.67%

amount of white resources varies regardles of chest level:

10 pc 20 pc 50 pc
60% 30% 10%

amount of green resources amount varies regardles of chest level:

5 pc 10 pc 15 pc
60% 30% 10%

amount of blue, purple and orange resources amount varies regardles of chest level:

3 pc 5 pc 15 pc
60% 30% 10%
Outland chest
Prize Chance
45 Skin Stones 16%
75 Skin Stones 16%
100 Skin Stones 8%
80 Outland Coins 18%
100 Outland Coins 27%
200 Outland Coins 15%

The first Grand Prize has a 25% chance of drop. All subsequent Grand Prizes have a 0.5% chance of drop. Grand Prize’s chances are calculated before regular rewards.

Tower chests

All the rewards that can be received from Tower Chests are shown in the Tower Chest open window. Chances for those rewards do not change and remain as follows:

Item fragments Gold Tower Coins
33.33% 33.33% 33.33%
Exchange Shop
Multipliers x1 x2 x5 x10 x100
Chance 78.27% 15% 5% 1.70% 0.03%
Prize Chance
Gold 20%
Energy 20%
Experience potion 20%
Coins 20%
Hero fragments 20%
Reward Fragments Coins Fairy Dust Chance (%)
Titan Artifact Weapon Fragments 30 7.24%
Titan Artifact Crown Fragments 30 7.24%
Titan Artifact Seal Fragments 30 7.24%
Titan Artifact Weapon Fragments + Hydra Coins 15 125 12.42%
Titan Artifact Crown Fragments + Hydra Coins 15 125 12.42%
Titan Artifact Seal Fragments + Hydra Coins 15 125 12.42%
Titan Artifact Weapon Fragments + Fairy Dust 15 100 12.42%
Titan Artifact Crown Fragments + Fairy Dust 15 100 12.42%
Titan Artifact Seal Fragments + Fairy Dust 15 100 12.42%
Titan Artifact Weapon Fragments 60 0.52%
Titan Artifact Crown Fragments 60 0.52%
Titan Artifact Seal Fragments 60 0.52%
Titan Artifact Weapon Fragments + Hydra Coins + Fairy Dust 30 125 100 0.72%
Titan Artifact Crown Fragments + Hydra Coins + Fairy Dust 30 125 100 0.72%
Titan Artifact Seal Fragments + Hydra Coins + Fairy Dust 30 125 100 0.72%
Golden Horn Box 0.0310%
Access to the Reward Box is time limited:
Opening the Reward Box will always reveal a pair of rewards (a Lot), which could include: Orange Artifact Boxes and a Talisman, Artifact Coins and a Talisman, Intelligence Skin Stones and a Talisman, Agility Skin Stones and a Talisman, an Artifact Essence Chest and a Skin Stone Chest, an Artifact Scroll Chest and a Skin Stone Chest, an Artifact Metal Chest and a Skin Stone Chest, a Meta Cube and a Spark of Power, or a Meta Cube and Bottled Energy.

The lot drop chances are calculated each time at the moment of opening the Reward Box:
The drop chance of a specific lot from the list below is calculated at the moment of opening according to the following formula: X / SUM, where
All possible rewards and their conditions and drop weights are listed in the table below.
Lot Reward #1 Number (reward #1) Reward #2 Number (reward #2) Drop Weight Drop Condition
1 Talisman of Research 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Research owned
2 Talisman of War 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of War owned
3 Talisman of Redemption 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Redemption owned
4 Talisman of Blooming 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Blooming owned
5 Talisman of Perseverance 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Perseverance owned
6 Talisman of Consistency 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Consistency owned
7 Talisman of Dispassion 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Dispassion owned
8 Talisman of Release 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Release owned
9 Talisman of Possession 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Possession owned
10 Talisman of Direction 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Direction owned
11 Talisman of Compassion 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Compassion owned
12 Talisman of Resolve 1 Orange Artifact Box 5 40 No Talisman of Resolve owned
13 Talisman of Vengeance 1 Artifact Coin 5,000 10 No Talisman of Vengeance owned
14 Talisman of Concealment 1 Artifact Coin 5,000 10 No Talisman of Concealment owned
15 Talisman of Frost 1 Intelligence Skin Stone 5,000 1 No Talisman of Frost owned
16 Talisman of Hurricanes 1 Intelligence Skin Stone 5,000 1 No Talisman of Hurricanes owned
17 Talisman of Denial 1 Agility Skin Stone 5,000 1 No Talisman of Denial owned
18 Talisman of Loyalty 1 Agility Skin Stone 5,000 1 No Talisman of Loyalty owned
19 Talisman of Harmony 1 Intelligence Skin Stone 5,000 1 No Talisman of Harmony owned
20 Talisman of Necromancy 1 Intelligence Skin Stone 5,000 1 No Talisman of Necromancy owned
21 Artifact Essence Chest 10 Skin Stone Chest 5 225
22 Artifact Scroll Chest 10 Skin Stone Chest 5 225
23 Artifact Metal Chest 10 Skin Stone Chest 5 225
24 Meta Cube 200 Spark of Power 500 225
25 Meta Cube 150 Bottled Energy 1 225
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